Based on the Erasmus Multilateral Project AMELIE and related programme pilot years in 2012/13 (in Vienna) and 2013/14 (in Paris), from 2014/15 onwards the European Academy of Legal Theory offers a one-year (60 ECTS) advanced Master's Course in Legal Theory (LL.M.; language of instruction: English). Participants will study at one or more Academy partner universities.
The following EALT partner universities form the consortium by contributing to the LLM-programme in Legal Theory:
- Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main (host university)
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- University of Bologna (in cooperation with EUI Florence)
- Masaryk University Brno
- Jagiellonian University Cracow
- University of Glasgow
- University of Lucerne
- University of Palermo
- Stockholm University
Beyond the consortium other partner universities offer winter or summer schools:
- Masaryk University Brno
- University of Palermo
Additional associated partners contribute in a specific way within the activities of the 3rd Term Network, namely the supervision of the students Master´s thesis in the last term of the academic year.
There is also a close co-operation with the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR, especially with the German Section).
The EALT Master's Course in Legal Theory involves (optional) "mobility windows": phases of mobility where participants change location/host university for individual intensive modules of approx. 1-2 weeks or for a longer period of individual research at the final stage of the master's programme. Parts of the compulsory courses and a broad range of electives can be followed at other Academy partner universities outside Frankfurt.
Students who wish to persue a complementary PhD programme in Legal Theory also have the opportunity to profit from synergies with the partner PhD programme in Globalisation and Legal Theory, jointly carried out by the Universities of Glasgow and Tilburg and to apply for this programme during their stay in the EALT LLM course. For further information see section Graduate Network in Legal Theory or visit the PhD programme website.
- Mobility window opportunities within the compulsory study modules: Among the compulsory courses, course C2 can be followed as a research method oriented mobility window at another partner university within the Academy network. Alternativly, students stay in Frankfurt/Main.
- Mobility window opportunities within the elective study modules: Participants have the opportunity to study up to 3 elective modules (3 x 7 = 21 ECTS) at other Academy's partner universities (depending on their individual choice of study track and elective modules). Outside Goethe-University (offering elective modules E1, E2, E4, and E5 for students who want to stay for parts of the/for the entire course terms in Frankfurt/Main), the following elective modules are on offer by other partner universities:
- Stockholm University: elective module E3 (in February) in Stockholm
- Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB): elective module E6 (May) in Brussels
- Universities of Bologna, Cracow, Groningen and the European University Institute Florence (EUI) in cooperation with Harvard Law School: elective module E7 (in July) at EUI in Florence
- Mobility window opportunities for the summer term (independent research in the "3rd term" network): After completion of the course requirements in spring semester (April/May), participants have the opportunity to change for one of the Academy's "3rd term network partners" in order carry out independent resaerch in relation to the completion of the master thesis (June-September; see the list of EALT 3rd term research network partner institutions in section "EALT Network"). This is subject to available places at potential host institutions for research interns in a given academic year and to a separate application and selection procedure by the programme management and the potential 3rd term host institution. Alternatively, students stay for the summer term at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main or complete their Master thesis at home (no obligatory course and/or presences requirements during such an extended summer term!).
Please mind that optional mobility windows do not require (academic) tuition for students of the LLM. However, they may involve additional tuition fees for social events, travel, and subsistence costs.